Malattia parodontale e alimentazione. E’ davvero così importante?

Bibliografia articolo pubblicato sul n. 140 de L’altra medicina magazine


di Maria Giulia Nosotti

Zangara A, Zangara A, Koprivec D. Dietologia. Alimenti, Alimentazione nel sano e nel malato, Integratori alimentari.

Piccin. 2018

Treesattayakul B, Winuprasith T, Theeranuluk B, Trachootham D. Loss of posterior occluding teeth and its association

with protein-micronutrients intake and muscle mass among thai elders: a pilot study. Frailty Aging 2019

Philip C Calder. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Processes: From Molecules to Man. Biochem Soc Trans.


Tsou SH, Hu SW, Yang JJ, Min Yan, Lin YY. Potential Oral Health Care Agent from Coffee against Virulence Factor of

Periodontitis. Nutrients, 01 September 2019, Vol.11(9), p.2235

Okarter N., Liu R.H. Health benefits of whole grain phytochemicals. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2010 Mar; 50(3):193-208.

Srikanth R.K., Shashikiran N.D., Subba Reddy V.V. Chocolate mouth rinse: Effect on plaque accumulation and

mutans streptococci counts when used by children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2008 Jun; 26(2):67-70.

Naruishi K. Carotenoids and Periodontal Infection. Nutrients. 2020 Jan 20;12(1).

Hong JY, Lee JS, Choi SH, Shin HS, Park JC, Shin SI, Chung JH. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled

Multicenter Study for Evaluating the Effects of Fixed-Dose Combinations of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lysozyme, and

Carbazochrome on Gingival Inflammation in Chronic Periodontitis Patients. BMC oral health. 2019;19(1):40

Graziani F, Discepoli N, Gennai S, Karapetsa D, Nisi M, Bianchi L, The Effect of Twice Daily Kiwifruit Consumption on Periodontal and

Systemic Conditions Before and After Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Periodontol.
